The university hospital

1 038 beds
+6 300 employees
1 000 doctors
4 hospital sites (Sart Tilman, ND Bruyères, Ourthe-Amblève, CNRF)
3 polyclinics
As a university hospital, the CHU is committed to providing the highest quality care for all its patients. Like all university hospitals, it has been assigned three specific missions:
The treatment of complex, specific or new pathologies: this advanced clinical care requires special medical expertise, high-level nursing and paramedical staff and high-tech equipment;
Clinical research, development and evaluation of new medical techniques: in French-speaking Belgium, 90% of scientific publications linked to medical research come from university hospitals;
Teaching: university hospitals provide clinical training for medical students, training for nursing staff and continuing education for general practitioners and specialists.
In addition to these missions specific to academic hospitals, the CHU of Liège wishes to develop its role in society. It therefore carries out a number of communication initiatives and awareness and screening campaigns, reflecting its concern for therapeutic education and health prevention. The hospital also generates many direct and indirect jobs, contributing to the socio-economic development of the region.
Other hospital groups
Liège is fortunate to have two other hospital groups, the CHC and the CHR.

900 beds
4 100 employees
+600 doctors
3 hospital sites (Citadelle, Laveu, Herstal)
40 LaboCita blood sampling centres in Liège c
1 000 beds
4 600 employees
+ 1 000 doctors
9 medical centres
4 clinics ( Hermalle , Heusy , Montlégia , Waremme)
The Citadelle hospital is one of the largest French-speaking hospitals in Belgium: over 600 doctors, around thirty specialities, 4. 100 employees, 900 beds, 3 hospital sites (Citadelle, Laveu, Herstal), external polyclinics (Centre Médical La Chapelle in the hypercentre of Liège, partnership with the Centre Jules Bruwier in Visé, consultations in Ans, Angleur, etc.), some fourty LaboCita sampling centres throughout the province of Liège…
“Excellence, by your side” is a mantra shared by all our staff, which can be broken down into three key values:
- Excellence: high-quality care, a multidisciplinary approach to pathologies, cutting-edge surgical techniques and medical firsts;
- Humanity: a welcome for all, lifelong support and a guarantee of patients’ well-being;
- Proximity: hospital sites anchored in living neighbourhoods, strengthened partnerships with other health professionals, innovation to enhance the patient-doctor relationship (telemedicine, etc.).
In September 2023, the Citadelle and the CHU of Liège announced their intention to create a large-scale hospital group. This project is expected to come to fruition within the next two years.
More information :
With 4 general hospitals, the CHC Health Group occupies a prime position in the healthcare landscape in Liège. It offers a complete range of care, with flagship services such as cardiac catheterisation, haemato-oncology, interventional imaging, laboratory, maternity, neurosurgery and paediatrics, while providing care as close as possible to patients’ homes.
In 2022, the Group redefined its priorities and its vision for 2035, and adopted a new strategic plan focusing on 8 key areas, including the healthcare offering, human capital, the patient experience, digital transformation and sustainable development. This new impetus was essential to maintain the momentum following the merger of its Liège operations with the Clinique CHC Mont-Légia, due to open in March 2020, and following the Covid crisis.
In addition to its 4 hospitals, the CHC Health Group has more than 30 laboratory units, 9 medical centres, 8 rest and care homes, an SAJA, a nursery, a psychiatric care home, a palliative care home, etc. It is known for its high standards in terms of sound management and financial equilibrium.
The CHC health group has an innovation unit comprising a program manager and a doctor. It is also a partner of Légiapark, located opposite the Clinique CHC Mont-Légia.
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